

You want to focus on your core business – we help you to do it

We can ensure you understand your legal rights and duties where there are national or international dimensions.

Economic uncertainties, not least the consequences of Coronavirus, and an ever more complex financial and regulatory environment create a multitude of threats and opportunities which require practical advice, responses and guidance to achieve your ultimate goal.

We make it our business to fully understand you and your business and will then use the law to help you find your way through a wide range of issues where sound advice may be required, no matter how complex the situation may be.

List of services:

  • investment law
  • commercial and corporate law
  • private international law
  • technology law (blockchain, FinTech, EdTech,…)
  • advice on initial public offering
  • national and international contract law
  • competition law
  • company incorporation
  • industrial property protection
  • law due diligence
  • matters of management, executive and supervisory board
  • advice on purchase and sale of companies, mergers, joint ventures, management buy-outs and buy ins
  • labour law
  • family law
  • national and international inheritance law
  • insolvency law
  • planning laws and building regulations/real estate law
  • criminal law
  • conduct of cases (litigation at court or arbitration)

and much more.

Lawyer in Vietnam
Mr. Vu Manh Quynh
Managing Partner
Phone: +84 898120121
Cell: +84 984879819